Erigeneia - Enabling rising penetration and added value of photovoltaic generation by implementation of advanced storage systems (EU project)

Year: 2018-2020

Institute: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology


The Erigeneia project targets to enable the high penetration of PV technology and to utilize its potential value in the energy system by developing a local and central energy management system (EMS) that will combine photovoltaics (PV) with battery energy storage systems (BESS). The project will match the technical requirements imposed by the distribution system operators (DSO) with the upcoming new market regulations, capitalizing on the positive effects of PV and BESS combination. In addition, a tool for intra-hour energy forecasting will be developed and integrated into the EMS to provide a more accurate and reliable operation plan for the DSO.

Project consortium:

University of Cyprus FOSS (Cyprus), Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (Austria), Cybrotech Ltd (UK), Fronius International GmbH (Germany), ADM Elektrik Dagitim A.S (Turkey)


Participation in the work package 4. I am main developer from AIT side and I work on development of Energy management system for homes in Cyprus that optimize the local energy production from PVs and also provide services to grid. For Turkey, I am responsible for the EMS concepts for buildings in the distribution network.

Project Link:
